This week I had Wednesday and today off, so I could celebrate my Iowish heritage, of course. A two day break in the middle of the week is a fantastic thing to look forward to!
But, the adventures actually began this past weekend... Allow me to catch you up.
First, my friend Kelly called me and asked if I wanted to go with her and her daughter to drop off some Girl Scout cookies at one of the Des Moines Fire Stations... she said we would get a tour, so of course I was in!
I am pretty sure there is a toddler that lives inside my head. The same toddler that wanted to jump on stage with a song and dance routine, while visiting my client. I had to completely stop myself from pushing her daughter out of the way and testing everything out myself! She got to do all the fun stuff, like get on the ambulance, try on the fire suit.... I was so completely jealous. And, they didn't even have a pole I could slide down, because apparently, those poles are an insurance liability now a days! Who knew?!
After our boring trip to the Fire Station, my friend and I headed South so I could feed my current country addiction! Her parents live on a farm and I happened to know about some cute country boys that wanted to take us out! Swoon!
Not only did I trade in my black pointy toed heels for some "gum boots", I saw a fresh born baby cow. And, by fresh, I mean the afterbirth was laying next to her. One would think that I would be grossed out by this... but, nu-uh, not me... not now. I loved every second!
After all that excitement, it was time to celebrate.... well.... green beer!
With these adorable fools!

It was damn cold to start the day off! It got better though, don't worry. The weather got better, the green beer flowed freely (and by freely, I mean, at about $4 a pop....) and apparently, my dance moves got better and better... or so I thought.
By the end of the night, we were tired and our little piggies were soar! And, this pig reference, has nothing to do with the farm!
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