Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Caaatch Up

Hehehe. I love this! It is so very, very true!

So... have we talked since Thanksgiving?? I don't think we have, I totally missed you. And, do you wanna know what you missed... My uh-may-zing turkey. No joke, hands down, best. turkey. made. As in made in all of the Nation. If there was a Nationwide contest, mine would win... sorry for your luck. I couldn't believe it and was so relieved, because it was my first turkey attempt ever. But, it was so juicy and tender!

When I was little, I used to take a bite of turkey and immediately take a drink of water... turkey still in my mouth... because if I didn't it was too dry to swallow.

And, before I get an angry voicemail... the turkey I am referring to is not my mammas. I won't name names, because I don't want to hurt feelings... but the person responsible for this turkey has a name that rhymes with Mrandma.

Moving right along... really, you will want an invite next year and I will be happy to welcome you!!

So, I am traveling for work today and it has me reminiscing about when I used to travel for the software company. I used to spend a lot of time in hotel rooms and having dinner by myself. And, it totally cracks me up on how well and for how long I can entertain myself. Tonight, I have given myself a pedicure that is worthy of an award, cleaned out my make up case, balanced my checkbook and organized all my work files. I could be here for hours and hours before I ever needed to flip through the channels and actually pay attention to what is on TV.

In other travel news... I left a meeting this morning and headed down the city sidewalk only to catch a glimpse of the parking meter reader person slowing down near my car. I thought I was right about at my limit... but watching it go down is like a swift kick in the bucket. So, I did what any person would do... once I got past my clients section of the building... where he might see me... I took off running, yelling at the meter reader!

She didn't even pause. She looked up and continued writing her stupid ticket. I don't mean to be aggressive, but I wanted to just run right in to her, football style... taking her out, while tossing her ticketbook. But, I had other meetings to get to and didn't feel like taking time for a trip to the pokey.

So, let's bring it on home for the Caaatch Up Wrap Up with this random little bloggity blog... I have some fancy toes, a ticket and a turkey that will knock your socks right off!

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