Friday, November 11, 2011

Starting With A Bang

It is 8:07 and already this morning the following things happened:

1.) I fell down the stairs.

2.) I backed out of my garage and directly into my garbage can... I just took out.

3.) One of the VP's said to me while I was getting my coffee, "Hey, aren't you supposed to change after you leave the gym, before coming to work."... because for the first time, probably ever, I wore tennis shoes and a hoodie to work...

4.) While rethinking my casual dress choice and pouring myself a cup dumb-o decaf, I realized that a million grinds were coming out, because the filter had folder over.

So. That is fantastic.

But... Babygirlcakes, just got back from a trip to Florida and brought me back this presh little turtle... What a perfect day to bring him to work too, because I feel like those flat eyes are saying, "Hey chick! You aren't a total disaster!".

He would say it with a lisp too... I totally love to give things lisps.

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