Aaaaanyway... I looked outside and sure enough, there was a blanket of pretty snow on the ground and I think I actually said "Yeeesss" and did that crazy seventh grade move where you yank your arm back... Is there a name for that move??
All the sudden I wish this was a video blog, so I could demonstrate it for you... There are a few other things I would demonstrate for you as well... like how I can do the splits! But, now I am getting off topic and just bragging.
After quickly throwing on my gym clothes, I ran downstairs and opened my garage door and realized that I didn't have to scrape off my car... or have to run a block away to where I had to park... it was right there waiting for me, clean and warm! Man... this winter was starting off like a dream!
Then, I backed out of my drive way and decided to spend my entire day thinking of ways I can move to another state... one without snow and humidity (can't forget my hair...). It officially took me about 4 minutes to be over this stupid weather and double stupid snow. I can take cold all the live long day... but snow is suuuuuuuch a giant pain in my aforementioned hiney!
Because only me and Jesus were up and going to the gym at that time, none of the roads were cleared off... or so I thought... there was one snow plow that decided to plow all of the snow into a mountain directly in front of the parking lot entrance. So, that was nice of him.
I was trying to have a good attitude because of all this beautiful, mild weather we have been having... but apparently I am over good attitudes too!
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