Boyfriend, the little babycakes and I went to his grandma's 88th birthday party Friday night. The cake balls were a huge hit! The preparation
improvisation went completely unnoticed! His family is so much fun; it reminds me of being with my fam, because everybody is just so relaxed and joking and normal. I knew we had to drive home that night, but we started playing dice and I totally didn't want to leave. So, by the time we left, it was later than we wanted and it was storming so bad outside!
The second we started driving, we knew it was going to be a sketchy situation; we couldn't see even a foot in front of the car and the wind was really bad... but once we got to the highway (we were gravel roadin' it to this point) it seemed to let up just a bit. Perfect timing, since I have the bladder of a 3 year old... and had to ask bf to stop. He probably wanted to lean right over and push me out of the car. Because, it really does seem like every time my seat belt clicks in place, something in my brain sends a message to my bladder that within 10 minutes we should probably stop. And, tonight was not the night to be stopping for this nonsense. What's worse is that since I was already stopping, I figured it would be appropriate to get a cup of coffee as well. Time was just a tickin!
By the time I got outside, I could hardly open my car door, because the wind and the rain was so bad... my pit stop allowed the storm to catch up! BF's son was not having it at all, either. At. All. I was going to have to watch my back, for sure. BF may not have pushed me out for asking to stop, but there was nothing stopping this precious little spider monkey from attacking me and dumping hot coffee all over my lap for causing us to be in this scary situation!
So, down the road we headed. Or so we thought, we couldn't really tell. Every once in a while the lightning allowed us to confirm we were still on the road though, so we had that going for us. The car was shaking, the rain was going in circles and there was so much debris on the ground. If I would have been driving, you better believe I would have thrown up my arms and belted out Jesus Take The Wheel, Carrie Underwood style. BF was holding it together though. Right up until the car started vibrating and we happened upon a downed tree, completely covering the roadway. That's what got him, I think. So, we drove to the next town up and stopped at what we assumed was a fully operational hotel. We couldn't really tell though, because all the power was out.
You guys do know that I am deathly afraid of storms, right? Do I need to remind you of that? I was actually hoping for the spider monkey attack and spilled coffee, because then I wouldn't need to explain why grownups sometimes have accidents in their pants!
As we made our way to the rooms... led down the hallway by emergency lights and I happily announced "Boys in one bed, girls in the other! What a cool adventure!" I was secretly wondering if I had a permanent marker in my purse, so I could write my Social Security Number and next of kin of my thigh.
Anyway. We made it through the night though, safe and sound. The. End.
Chapter two.
Isn't this the longest bloggity blog I have written in years?! It's like I woke up this morning and decided to give you a little literary treat!
So I am going to get a little vulnerable.
Please hold.
Ok. I typically write about crazy happenings in my little neck of the woods and keep the serious-ness to myself. But, today, I decided that I am going to share a short little snippet of something with you. Because I got to thinking... that I would like to be able to look back a year from now, or 5 years from now and know just how happy I am in this very moment.
Yesterday, BF and I were headed home from him his hometown. No tornadoes this time! And a drive that would normally take about 2 hours (including bathroom breaks) took about 7 and I loved every second of it. We just drove and talked and went down roads we didn't know existed... and BF showed me a covered bridge. We even drew "BF + Charlie-Girl Forever" in it. It was a day that I wanted to have a million more of with him in my life.