One girl was nice enough to walk by my desk and tell me her contribution was store bought...Clearly, I am not doing a very good job of hiding my crazy.
Well. I can tell you that I certainly didn't do a very good job of it today, when I about took somebody out. Football tackle style.
A lady in our office is leaving; today is her last day. I really like her, because she always talks about drinking Busch Light and she wears totally funky jewelry. Important friendship basis factors. So, when I heard her stand up and start her walk around the office for goodbye hugs, I decided I would actually give her one. She seems healthy today, after all!
Right about then, I heard on of the girls nearby say, "Sorry you have to hug me and get my germs today!" THE HELL SHE WAS! I practically took off in a dead sprint to intercept; yelling, "Wait! Hug me first!" I wasn't going to allow this chick to swim in a Petri Dish before I got to say my proper goodbye!
I would like to think they saw my eagerness as sincerity, but I think they have me figured out...
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