Friday, July 23, 2010
Tragedy In The Traffic Jam

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Where Everybody Knows Your Name

I have recently visited the video store way more than I think is normal or that would like to admit.
"Oh, so you’re saying I need a life?!", I quipped.
"No, a girl like you, I am sure you have a great life! That’ll be $4.55, Charlie." He replied.
Now… what is missing in that exchange? "What is your phone number?" or perhaps "What is your last name?"
No, he knew me and my phone number by heart.
Can somebody please get me the number to Netflix?!??!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday Blues
Friday, July 16, 2010

When I am running along the sidewalk or a trail and I pass another runner going the opposite direction, it totally jazzes me up and I can’t help but to want to high five them.
Maybe even give a little, "Go get ‘em tiger!!" or "Keep up the great work!".
I might try to start this trend, I have a feeling that it will totally catch on! Who doesn’t like a little encouragement… I mean, really.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
What What… Wednesday
What…the hell, Bristol Palin!?! You had to tell your mom, via US Magazine, that you were getting hitched? How did you tell her you were preggers, by an airplane flyover!? And, Levi… really? I get that he is your baby daddy, but isn’t he dating Kathy Griffin? Isn’t she like 50? And posing for Playgirl is so trashy.
What…Are the chances that it is going to be like one thousand degrees in Des Moines today? Good.
What… Are the chances that in response to said heat, not only is my hair is going to be approximately 7 times larger than my normal (approximately 27 times time larger than anyone else's normal), but that I will also get a mild case of swamp ass on the walk to my car? Great.
What… do you think my neighbor would do if he came home to find a note taped to his door that said. "Dear Neighbor: Please learn how to drive. More specifically, please learn how to park. The only thing that sucks worse than the parking here is your parking; lines were painted for a reason. On an unrelated note. Your dog is about to have a change in scenery. If the barking persists, you are going to find a leash and collar with no dog attached. I won’t hurt him, because that is not in my nature… but I will drive him to Altoona, drop his ass off and never look back. I hope you two aren’t close."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wax On Wax Off

When I went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith with stupid Angelina and Brad, as soon as I left the movie, I totally wanted to wrestle! I do that a lot with action movies though; they just make me all feisty and aggressive!
So, I am going to see Karate Kid tonight with Will Smith’s little nugget. Well, I am not going with him, I am going to see the movie with him in it.
I have a feeling somebody is going to get their popcorn karate chopped right out their hands.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Bull In A China Shop
Friday, July 2, 2010
Secret Agent

I have always thought it would be so cool to be a spy. Like, I would live a life that was a total lie to cultivate relationships with conmen or white collar thieves and then totally bust them out.
One day I would be sitting at my desk working away and then I leave to go to the "bathroom", but really go to an unoccupied space in the building to suit up in my Kevlar vest and gun holder (the really bad ass kind that wraps around your thigh) and combat boots… I would shout out orders to my men about people "havin nothin to lose" and then we would make the bust.
It would be totally dramatic. I might even come through a window… It would be so awesome.
All my co-workers would be in total shock. Later, as we were leaving with the perp in custody I would lock eyes with my office fling. I would pull him aside and be all, "My life was a lie, but my feelings were not"… and then we would totally make out.
Anyway….. the reason I am thinking of this is because I have been watching the Russian Spy story on The Today Show and I am a little obsessed. Did Anna Chapman totally have spy life?! I can’t wait to hear more!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Girl: The Operative Word

Do you know the freebee return address labels that you get in the mail? I think a lot of places send them out, but I always get them from my good ol’ friendly State Farm agent.
I love getting them, but when they say Mr. Charlie… it is such a total bummer! I can’t very well stick them on my mail when they say I’m a guy!
My whole life, I have been mistaken for a guy. I actually kind of like it, now. I think it is so funny when I go to see a client and they are expecting a guy and then I show up in my jazzy red heals and gigantic hair. It is like a surprise attack!
The only time I get a little perturbed is when they have met me or talked to me on the phone. Then, no more Mr.’s mister.
So, Mr. Friendly State Farm Agent… We have met, we are practically pals. Can you please update my records, so I can enjoy the cute little stickers, too?!