Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Caaatch Up

Hehehe. I love this! It is so very, very true!

So... have we talked since Thanksgiving?? I don't think we have, I totally missed you. And, do you wanna know what you missed... My uh-may-zing turkey. No joke, hands down, best. turkey. made. As in made in all of the Nation. If there was a Nationwide contest, mine would win... sorry for your luck. I couldn't believe it and was so relieved, because it was my first turkey attempt ever. But, it was so juicy and tender!

When I was little, I used to take a bite of turkey and immediately take a drink of water... turkey still in my mouth... because if I didn't it was too dry to swallow.

And, before I get an angry voicemail... the turkey I am referring to is not my mammas. I won't name names, because I don't want to hurt feelings... but the person responsible for this turkey has a name that rhymes with Mrandma.

Moving right along... really, you will want an invite next year and I will be happy to welcome you!!

So, I am traveling for work today and it has me reminiscing about when I used to travel for the software company. I used to spend a lot of time in hotel rooms and having dinner by myself. And, it totally cracks me up on how well and for how long I can entertain myself. Tonight, I have given myself a pedicure that is worthy of an award, cleaned out my make up case, balanced my checkbook and organized all my work files. I could be here for hours and hours before I ever needed to flip through the channels and actually pay attention to what is on TV.

In other travel news... I left a meeting this morning and headed down the city sidewalk only to catch a glimpse of the parking meter reader person slowing down near my car. I thought I was right about at my limit... but watching it go down is like a swift kick in the bucket. So, I did what any person would do... once I got past my clients section of the building... where he might see me... I took off running, yelling at the meter reader!

She didn't even pause. She looked up and continued writing her stupid ticket. I don't mean to be aggressive, but I wanted to just run right in to her, football style... taking her out, while tossing her ticketbook. But, I had other meetings to get to and didn't feel like taking time for a trip to the pokey.

So, let's bring it on home for the Caaatch Up Wrap Up with this random little bloggity blog... I have some fancy toes, a ticket and a turkey that will knock your socks right off!

Friday, November 18, 2011


I didn't particularly love it when my alarm when off at 4:40 this morning and had to exit my cozy, warm bed only to be greeted by 30 mph winds and 25 degrees...

And, while I like my job, I didn't excitedly and hurriedly get ready so I could get here as fast I could...

But, I was fine with both of this things and actually pretty upbeat... today is Friday after all and next week is a short week!

I was fine with it, right up until I talked to my mom.

She is a teacher and this week has been parent/teacher conferences. Today, she bragged, she only has to be there between 8 and 11, there are no kids and she and her co-teach have hot plans to lay around and watch Eclipse. They are Twihards, obviously. Also, co-teach is bringing in breakfast.

Why did they have to go mess up my contentment with all their fun, laz-o-ness?

Twihard punks.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hello Ya Laz-o

Did you know that you can hire someone to put up your Christmas lights?? Well, this is news to me too!

I, for one, am completely offended. I claim my laziness, by not putting up lights at all! These outsources are just sneaky little jerks! Not to mention, it is like 60 here and it was on the weekend too.

I can't imagine what they do when they are asked to open a present.

Oh. Wait... that they can probably handle. Dirty jerks!

Monday, November 14, 2011

You Hungry...Me Domestic Goddess

I did something that I totally never do this weekend... I cooked. A lot!

Have you guys heard of I have heard a couple of people talk about it and then I saw a reference from another blog I read, so I had to check it out... and it sucked me right in. It is uh-ddictive. Everything you never knew you wanted or needed to see. Including some super yummy looking recipes.

So Saturday night I baked a taco bake from and some green bean casserole (that wasn't a pinterest recipe, that was a last minute request from babygirlcakes). I don't necessarily know if the two went together... in fact, they did not... but, I am happy to report that they were both so delicious!

I made a deal with boyfriend and the babycakes that if the dinner was totally disgusting (which, there was a definite chance) that I would order a pizza... and BAM that didn't happen!

I felt like I was on a roll, so Sunday, babygirlcakes and I baked sugar cookies and snickerdoodle cookies.

And, I don't know if you can handle this... but not a single one was burnt on the bottom or tasted like I accidentally mixed up the salt and sugar amounts. Which may or may not have happened once.

So, if I am visiting you during the holidays, you may just get a treat. That I didn't buy premaid from Hy-Vee! Woot woot!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time For A Change

Yesterday I saw my dermatologist for my yearly full body check. Just to make sure things are A OK... and I think that I may need to start looking for a new doctor.

Doctor: "Hmmm... that is an interesting mole above your belly button..."

Charlie-Girl: "Well, that is because it is a scar..."

Doctor: *pause* "Oh, yes, right."


Friday, November 11, 2011

Starting With A Bang

It is 8:07 and already this morning the following things happened:

1.) I fell down the stairs.

2.) I backed out of my garage and directly into my garbage can... I just took out.

3.) One of the VP's said to me while I was getting my coffee, "Hey, aren't you supposed to change after you leave the gym, before coming to work."... because for the first time, probably ever, I wore tennis shoes and a hoodie to work...

4.) While rethinking my casual dress choice and pouring myself a cup dumb-o decaf, I realized that a million grinds were coming out, because the filter had folder over.

So. That is fantastic.

But... Babygirlcakes, just got back from a trip to Florida and brought me back this presh little turtle... What a perfect day to bring him to work too, because I feel like those flat eyes are saying, "Hey chick! You aren't a total disaster!".

He would say it with a lisp too... I totally love to give things lisps.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baby Makin Machine

Well, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have announced they are expecting their 20th child. Their 20th! Do you even have to push with the 20th or does it just fall out??

But, she Michelle's got nothing on... well, I can't tell you her name, because she is only known as "the wife of Feodor Vassilyev". She has given birth to 69 children... I guess when you have that many names to remember, you can't possibly be expected to know your own, right?!

And, Lord knows she can't forget that stud horse Feodor's name!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Over It

This morning, I jumped out of bed and ran to the window to see if we really got the snow that was forecasted.

In all honesty, I hit snooze about 37 times and stumbled to the window, probably while scratchin' my hiney... but that doesn't have the same ring... so we will go with my first description.

Aaaaanyway... I looked outside and sure enough, there was a blanket of pretty snow on the ground and I think I actually said "Yeeesss" and did that crazy seventh grade move where you yank your arm back... Is there a name for that move??

All the sudden I wish this was a video blog, so I could demonstrate it for you... There are a few other things I would demonstrate for you as well... like how I can do the splits! But, now I am getting off topic and just bragging.

After quickly throwing on my gym clothes, I ran downstairs and opened my garage door and realized that I didn't have to scrape off my car... or have to run a block away to where I had to park... it was right there waiting for me, clean and warm! Man... this winter was starting off like a dream!

Then, I backed out of my drive way and decided to spend my entire day thinking of ways I can move to another state... one without snow and humidity (can't forget my hair...). It officially took me about 4 minutes to be over this stupid weather and double stupid snow. I can take cold all the live long day... but snow is suuuuuuuch a giant pain in my aforementioned hiney!

Because only me and Jesus were up and going to the gym at that time, none of the roads were cleared off... or so I thought... there was one snow plow that decided to plow all of the snow into a mountain directly in front of the parking lot entrance. So, that was nice of him.

I was trying to have a good attitude because of all this beautiful, mild weather we have been having... but apparently I am over good attitudes too!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On Opposite Day....

I was heartbroken to hear about the Kim and Kris break up news.

It was clear that their marriage was strongly rooted in sincere love and true life long companionship.

Also, I feel bad for all this negative press she is getting for the cost of her wedding... I think 10 Million is an appropriate budget for her wedding. It was her special day, after all and she is going to do this once, right?! Right?!

I mean, look at her, you can totally tell she is looking into the eyes of the man she thinks of as her "forever".