Friday, January 8, 2010

I know I Shouldn’t Laugh…

But, I just can’t help myself. Yes, I know that what goes around comes around and I should not laugh at the misfortune of others and bla bla bla… but this is funny.

So this morning, I was walking to my car and my neighbor came running out of the door behind me.

Let me give you a little background on this neighbor. He and his boyfriend live above me and they are seriously rude. They are never friendly, never hold the door open and when I try to smile and make “awwwww” sounds at their dog, they just keep walking. The dog one is particularly rude, because I don’t even like their stupid dog or the big steaming piles he leaves around the complex that they never pick up.

Anyway. So, he comes running out of the apartment like he is so important that he literally has to rush to work and he totally wipes out in the snow. Then, as he was looking at me looking at him and trying to get up, he wiped out again!
I wanted to tell him that first, he should slow down, because being in a hurry is never a good idea. Second, he probably fell because he was worried about looking cool with his mean frowny face, rather than being worried about where he was going. And finally, that even though I was laughing at him, and even though I think he is a jerk off, and that even though I think is dog is seriously dumb… that I would forgive him, because watching him fall on his ass totally cracked me up and for starting my day with a good laugh, he should be rewarded.

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