Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mail Call!

Joe from Juice: You got a letter here from Johnny Letterwriter*. The mail room opens things, but we haven't read it. I can give it to you when you come in for your video, unless you want it sooner.

Charlie-Girl: I have no idea who that is... I am curious now! You can read it if you want... otherwise I can just pick it up later.

Joe from Juice: We gave it a read. Let's just say, you probably won't want this guy for a date.

Charlie-Girl: Haha! No way, was it mean? Or was he just weird?

Joe from Juice: Just weird. Unless you're in 42 year old dudes who write seven page letters that include details about burning a bag of popcorn at work, a friend's son being charged with murder and your sense of humor in the same paragraph.

Wow, I think they found my ideal!! What was his number again?!!?!?
*Names have been changed to protect the insane... I mean innocent.

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