Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I feel like....

Crap. And, I sound like I have smoke about two packs a day since I was twelve. I am miserable!! It is definitely times like this that I want to revert back to childhood. So, I can lay on the couch and have my momma take care of me! Man, those were the days!

So, the date was a flop. Every time Blow Job opened his mouth I just wanted to say, "Prove it!". He was quite the full of shitter. And, all they could come up with was dinner and a bar. Real original, boys!! Oh well. You win some, you lose some...

Well, I am going to dream about crawling under my desk right now and going to sleep!

Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm gonna make you work-make you work work-make you work!!

Last Saturday night the Juice Singles Crew had to go on a pub crawl. I don't know if I divulged the full details of the Santa Pub Crawl... but needless to say, it is a great night and details are always sketchy.

On the most recent crawl, Melissa and I met two boys that were on our bus and hung out with them most of the night. They were pretty cute and super nice. There was only one little problaimo... the guy I was talking to is named BJ... this might be ok for the normal person, but for me, I just wanted to yell out Blow Job, like I had tourettes, ever time I heard his freaking name....

Melissa being the good friend that she is joined right on in this past week and has shown support by nicknaming her Nick, Dick.

So, Blow job and Dick are taking us out tonight on a date. Blow Job called me earlier and asked what we wanted to do or what we had in mind... and instantly I was reminded of my mother. She once told me that a boy picked her up for a date and asked her the same question, she said she got out of that car and told him, "If you don't have a plan for me, than I am not going to waste my time with you!!"... So, in honor of my mother I said, "I have been making decisions all day... so tonight, you and Nick (in my mind thinking Dick) have to make all the plans, and they better be good! Call me to tell me what time I need to be ready!" And I promptly hung up the phone.

Now, we shall see!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mail Call!

Joe from Juice: You got a letter here from Johnny Letterwriter*. The mail room opens things, but we haven't read it. I can give it to you when you come in for your video, unless you want it sooner.

Charlie-Girl: I have no idea who that is... I am curious now! You can read it if you want... otherwise I can just pick it up later.

Joe from Juice: We gave it a read. Let's just say, you probably won't want this guy for a date.

Charlie-Girl: Haha! No way, was it mean? Or was he just weird?

Joe from Juice: Just weird. Unless you're in 42 year old dudes who write seven page letters that include details about burning a bag of popcorn at work, a friend's son being charged with murder and your sense of humor in the same paragraph.

Wow, I think they found my ideal!! What was his number again?!!?!?
*Names have been changed to protect the insane... I mean innocent.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

It is cold here in Des Moines!!!! That didn't stop up from having a great weekend though!
Friday night I was zapped from a crazy work week... so I stayed in and watched Pretty Woman, not once... but twice!

Feeling very well rested from the night before, I picked up my friend Lisa and she and I met April for Body Pump Saturday morning. Being the go getters that we are Lisa and I left the first gym to go to our favorite gym and finish our work out. By the time I got home at 1:30, I was exhausted! I did something that I never do.... I took a nap and it felt sooooo awesome! At about 5 the phone started ringing to confirm plans for the evening. Every single person that I talked to had also just woken up from a nap.... I guess everyone needed a little extra down time! We all met at Christina Aguilera's house (the real name of the restaurant is El Aguila Real... but none of us can say that right...) for Mexican and margaritas and then went out for the night! Very fun evening!

Sunday morning, even though I kind of felt like I wanted to die, I made it to church with Tammy! There is this super hot guy that is in the choir and Tammy and I both fell in love with him for a minute when he sang his solo. I noticed that he was wearing a wedding ring.... Tammy said not to worry, that he was just married to Jesus, not a real girl. I think that is probably not the case at all, he probably has an equally super hot wife, but her story makes it easier to swoon while he sings. We had to high tail it out of church quickly so Tammy's church stalker with orange eyebrows didn't stop us... but all in all it was a good service.

Tammy and I met Ryan for lunch and then I went into the office for a couple of hours... I met up with them again at Tammy's house later that night for a movie and a rousing game of scrabble, it was a great ending to a great weekend.

This week is the week that my "Des Moines Single's Crew" pic graces the cover of Juice... I am pretty nervous and excited about that. It comes out on Wednesday. Be sure to check it out at I am pretty sure that there will be quite a few pics from the cover shoot, our videos, and our bios that will be printed... I am not gonna lie, I am kind of freaking out about that!! I haven't seen any pictures, I know what I said in the interviews, but no idea what they are going to print, and I am pretty sure that I probably looked and sounded like a dumbass in my video... but we shall see. The first event is "The Science of Compatibility and Chocolate" at the Science Center of Iowa. It is a speed dating event.... Oh lord! I will be sure to keep you posted.

Last, but certainly not lease, it is a very special week for a very gorgeous girl! Happy birthday week, Ms. Chelsea!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Fair Warning!

To all of my potential would be suitors out there... As fabulous as it feels to get flowers, they die. Please send me jewelry.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My very own little Eskimo, how fun!

There is a little man outside of my window that looks exactly like an eskimo. He is shoveling the snow... how very appropriate!

I was so caught up in the fact that there was such a cute little Eskimo outside of my window that I must have just been staring at him... He caught me. Now he won't leave. He is a little Eskimo shoveling sidewalk!

I know, I know... I dropped the ball

I haven't blogged for so long. My sincerest apologies. With the end of the year and end of fourth quarter... work has been kicking my ass. But, January is over and while I am not 100% caught up yet, I am not quite as stressed. And my Aunt said that she would also kick my ass, if I didn't get it in gear;))

January was just a crappy month, I think. I don't like to generalize such a large amount of time as being crappy... but it was!

Work was crazy, the weather was shitty, I popped my pelvis out of place at the end of the month so my back hurt, my wisdom tooth decided it wanted to try to make an appearance in my mouth so my jaw swelled up... I was a damn mess!!!

I am not kidding, I went to tan the other day after I went to the gym, and the whole time I was in the bed my mind was just swimming with stuff that I needed to do or things going on... so the bed goes off, I get dressed and go home. I walked in and went to take off my gym clothes and noticed that my shorts look really weird. Most of my gym shorts have like spandex lining in them, well apparently I was not thinking about what I was actually doing, so when I got dressed I put my shorts on inside out. So the spandex lining was on the outside. Think about this... the tight spandex lining, showing all the creases and lumps from the outside layer of the shorts and the tag sticking out of my ass like a little white tail!!!! Not to mention when I left the tanning salon there was about 5 people standing in the lobby. Nice!

But, now it is a new month and I have new fun things going on... so I will try not to neglect you anymore!

My friend and I were talking about a month or so ago about this "Singles Crew" thing that a magazine here in Des Moines does. Well on a whim I answered some questions and sent in my picture and then kind of forgot I did it. Well, they called me back to come in for some pictures and a video. My crazy ass did it. A couple of days later, my phone rang and sure enough, I made the crew... so, I went in last Saturday for a photo shoot and to meet the three other people. They had hair and make up people there, and the other people were so nice! So, February is starting on a high note and some of the events we have to do, such as speed dating, sound like a lot of fun... I will definitely have some stories about this adventure!

So, you are pretty much all caught up!

Des Moines is under about eight inches of snow right now. I had to clean off my entire car this morning with a CD case because my scraper mysteriously vanished after my last trip to Peoria... So, I am just going to sit here and day dream about summer time.

Enjoy your day!

Here is a cute pic of my girlfriends and I on Saturday night... blowing off some steam!