Thursday, August 28, 2014

Big Plans

First, would you get a load of that outfit?!  This cat has S-T-Y-L-E!
The other night Boy and I were driving home, chit chatting about life, love, 6th grade, life's stresses... and he decided to fill me in on his life plans.
Boy:  I am going to be in the Military when I get older.
Me:  You are!?  I haven't heard you say that before, what made you decide that?
Boy:  Well, I have been thinking a lot about it. 
I just have to get rid of my allergies, my asthma, my color blindness and get my grades up.
That is a whole lot to do!  But, he seems up for the challenge!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Oh You Could, Could You?!

I was traveling last week and while at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport I had a really lovely run in in the Concouse D, Gate 47 bathroom...
It went like this:
Spirited Women (SW): Giiiiiirrrrrrrl!  I love yo dress!  Who make it?!
Me:  Thanks!  Um, New York & Company, I think.
SW: I don't even know what dat is, but damn.  I could weeeeaaaaar that dress.  Probly betta than you!
She then went on to histerically laugh at her own joke to the point where she literally had to lean over and rest her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
Giiiiiirrrrrrrl!  No you couldn't!  Not if you can't even laugh hard without having to catch yoooo breath!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

I Was Happy... No, Really!

I was actually smiling, but my Bitching Resting Face Syndrome started earlier than most.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

One Whole Year

This is Husband.  He is going to kill me for posting this picture for two reasons.  First, because it is a close up of his face and I don't care who you are... close ups of your face are just never a good idea.  Second, because it is evidence that he totally cuddles with our sweet puppy at night.
We were sitting together on the couch one night and I looked over and that is the face I saw.  I loved it.  He was just so handsome, I couldn't take it anymore... so I had to take his picture effective immediately!
Yesterday was our 1 YEAR anniversary.
I am sure that if he were writing this post, he would tell you that he is very patient with me.  He likes to say that and he always draws out the word p-a-t-i-e-n-t... sometimes the way he says it makes me thinks he is going to pat the top of my head and send me off to school.  My parents encourage this behavior.
But, really.  He is patient with me and he is kind with me and in general.  He has a good heart.  I do love him a lot and I am thankful for this year and our future years.

Friday, August 8, 2014

This Is Iowa

The Nascar Race last weekend was a success.  And as with all public events in the great State of Iowa, there was plenty of people watching. 
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that there is generally great people watching at public events in any state, but in Iowa, we have a special breed.
Like this fellow:

No, no... this person was not found via an internet search.  I got to see him in real life.  Every gyrating, bucking inch of him.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Self Aware

Husband and I are going to a Nascar race this weekend.  It is my first.  We will be in a Corporate tent, with complimentary cocktails, though, so I think me and this race are going to get along just fine.
I had to Google "what to wear to a Nascar Race" and this was the suggestion:

Oh yeah... I think me and this race are going to get along just fine.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Oldy Moldy

Do you remember Lil Bird??
She is still bird breathin' all around town, and I sure do love her.  She is such a great friend.
It is clear to me though, that we are literally growing old together.  Our texts tonight were only to ask one another how are doctors appointments went.
It seems like just yesterday, we were doing this!
And we were having so much fun that she literally had to remind me to use the potty?!
I guess it could be worse, we aren't going potty in our pants yet!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Barfy Baby

Coconut Kay handles the Vet Clinic like a boss.  Look at her, just chillin.
I love her deep within my soul, but guess what... she might be a big ol' fat faker!  She has been barfing her head off all over the house, which prompted the Vet visit and the vet informed me that she really just gets overly excited and probably needs a Pepcid AC everyday and a ThunderShirt.
According to it is great for storms, separation, travel, over excitement and many other anxieties.  It uses gentle hugging to calm your dog.
First, this all seems a little ridiculous.  Second, I want one too.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Will You Have Me Back???

Holy cow, where has the time gone.  I know it has been a long time.  I don't write, I don't call.  But, I am ready to come back if you'll have me!
I had to take some time off.  I was (and am) really boring!  I think after a while you get it... I have gigantic hair, I don't like storms, I hate waking up early to run, I love coffee and lip gloss with my whole heart, bla bla bla. 
Well guess what.  Things have changed around here.  A little.  So, I have about three more things to throw into the mix!  Yah!  I am back!
Let me catch you up... (keep in mind, it really has been a long time and since I can't remember last year very well, the catch up will be very "high level" and mainly things that have happened during the last six months of my Facebook feed.  Which is where I went to get inspiration and pictures.
In no particular order.......
I married this guy.  Formerly known as Fiance, please meet HUSBAND!  I love him A LOT.  He is a really great man and incredibly smokin' hot handsome.  On Monday, August 12, 2014, we said our I Do's in front of God, his children and the Dallas County Inmates that had been taken in over the weekend and were waiting to speak with the judge.  It was glorious.  The Ceremony was followed by a quiet reception at Village Inn Restaurant and in lieu of dancing, the bride and groom went to Advenutureland to ride roller coasters and eat funnel cakes. It was quite a day. 
Now, these guys are my Step Kids.

Who from this point forward will be referred to as Girl and Boy.  They are 14 and 12 respectively.
Also included in our little fam is the most precious, sweetest, sassiest, little nugget you will ever meet.  She was such a tiny little baby when we got her.  Meet Coconut Kay.

And, now she is such a grown little girl!  She even has her own life jacket!  Safety first, folks.
I am totally one of those ridiculous dog owners.  I realize that I shouldn't compare my dog to your actual children, but don't judge me.  I really love my job, but I would totally be a stay at home mom to her and take her to activities and play dates.  I refuse to drink after people, including Husband... yet even though I have witnessed her literally lick her own behind, I will kiss her on her little mouth and let her have licks of my ice cream cone.  I actually do things like that.  It is disgusting, I know.  But, I won't stop.
I also met some famous people.  What, you don't know who this guy is?!  Jeez, watch Iowa State Basketball much?! 
What about Dakota Fred?!  Is that famous enough for you?!

It is clear to me that you are not easily impressed.  So, I will stop name dropping and will continue on with my updates.
I joined a Bunco group! 
What is not amazing about meeting with your best friends once a month to drink wine, chit chat and have good food? 
Do you recognize the miniature blonde in the front row?  What about the gingy pants in the back row??  You guessed it!  My momma and sister!  They are officially Iowans!!!!!!!!  Hooooooooooray!
I have been in Iowa for nearly 9 years and have been 4 hours away from my family.  And, now they are here!  I never  knew how much I missed them and the closeness until they came here! 
Now, I get to see them all the time!
With all of this stuff going on, I should have way more to tell you about, right?!
Well, we shall see.  I love you and I missed you! 
xoxox -Me.