Wednesday, August 13, 2014

One Whole Year

This is Husband.  He is going to kill me for posting this picture for two reasons.  First, because it is a close up of his face and I don't care who you are... close ups of your face are just never a good idea.  Second, because it is evidence that he totally cuddles with our sweet puppy at night.
We were sitting together on the couch one night and I looked over and that is the face I saw.  I loved it.  He was just so handsome, I couldn't take it anymore... so I had to take his picture effective immediately!
Yesterday was our 1 YEAR anniversary.
I am sure that if he were writing this post, he would tell you that he is very patient with me.  He likes to say that and he always draws out the word p-a-t-i-e-n-t... sometimes the way he says it makes me thinks he is going to pat the top of my head and send me off to school.  My parents encourage this behavior.
But, really.  He is patient with me and he is kind with me and in general.  He has a good heart.  I do love him a lot and I am thankful for this year and our future years.

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