Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Oh You Could, Could You?!

I was traveling last week and while at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport I had a really lovely run in in the Concouse D, Gate 47 bathroom...
It went like this:
Spirited Women (SW): Giiiiiirrrrrrrl!  I love yo dress!  Who make it?!
Me:  Thanks!  Um, New York & Company, I think.
SW: I don't even know what dat is, but damn.  I could weeeeaaaaar that dress.  Probly betta than you!
She then went on to histerically laugh at her own joke to the point where she literally had to lean over and rest her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
Giiiiiirrrrrrrl!  No you couldn't!  Not if you can't even laugh hard without having to catch yoooo breath!!!!

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