Sunday, December 16, 2012

Babies Are Cute, Not Manly

Yesterday Fiance and I were getting some Christmas shopping done and on our list was a new addition to his side of the family, Wiley.  Wiley is his cousins two month old little babycakes!
Me:  Oh my gosh!  Look at this precious little rabbit sleeper!  It even has little ears!
Fiance:  Uuuuh.  No. 
Me:  Whatever.  He is a sweet little babycakes!
Fiance:  He is a boy.  Not a rabbit.  *He holds up a tiny leather jacket.*   He needs this, its manly.
Me:  And, is he going to change our tire while we are there?
To that, he just walked away.  I think it is less because he thought I was being unreasonable and more because he realized at that moment that I was absolutely right.

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