I went on a super long walk with my my great friends Ryan and Bryan last night and it turned out to be quite a hike... I think all total, we covered about 6 miles, saw a big gigantic snapping turtle and the cutest little baby frogs you can ever imagine. I googled this picture, but that is seriously how tiny these little babycakes were. I thought one was a little pebble and almost stepped on it, but then I realized what it was.
I totally can't stop thinking about how totally adorbs it was... So I emailed Ryan this morning with a plan...
Me: I think I am going to go find one of those mini frogs and have it as a pet....
Ryan: Remember... they do get bigger. Like kids. Also, you can't just get it and then give it away later.
Me: Why can't I get it and then give it away?? I would actually get it, wait until it became like 2 inches long... which would make it lose all of it's cuteness, of course... and then I would toss it out of my slider! While he was still under 2 inches, and I still loved him, though, I would name him Dog. Dog the Frog.
Ryan: ANIMAL KILLER! Of course, after he lost off of his ability to survive on his own... it would only make sense to throw him out to the wild to be killed/die!! Leave those mini frogs alone, you bully!
Clearly, he is just way to sensitive to discuss my plan with... Expect him to not be invited to Dog's welcome home party.
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