Well, it started with January... I simply don't like January. Work is always super busy and it is ridiculously cold outside and overall I could just do without the month altogether.
I decided to let myself focus on work and only blog when I have the time. Turns out, I didn't want to make time for anything other than sitting on my couch during free moments.
Finally the dreadfully stupid month wrapped up and I was knee deep in new clients at work, so once again, my focus was not on anything fun... my schedule was so bad at one point I even had to go to the dreaded 4:20 AM class at the gym... In order to do so, I had to get up at 3:50 AM. Do you at that time, they are still playing late night television?? Jimmy Kimmel was on! That should have been my first clue to go back to bed. Not to mention my work out was crap because all I wanted to do was talk to the other five people that clearly have a sleeping problem about the fact that we should all be home in bed.
I did get to visit a really cool new client in Minnesota though... It was a dinner theater and the theater was a really old building with tons of cool rooms and stages. You have absolutely no idea how hard it was to be professional as they were giving me the theater tour and not jump on stage for a fantastic song and dance routine. Seriously, it was like dangling candy in front of a baby. I just knew it was my chance to get discovered. I had to safe my performances for my hotel room, though, in front on the mirror with microphone (hairbrush) in hand.
In other catch up news, I got in a car wreck. Let the record state, I was NOT texting. Promise! I am now toolin around town in a seriously cool PT Cruiser. It is a car though, and I am safe. So, I suppose I can deal with the nerdy little beast.
And, with that, I will welcome March. Hopefully March is a little easier than stupid January and February. It is my birthday month, after all, so it is already way ahead of the curve!
Glad to see your back! I got into an accident on Valentine's Day...not my fault so I was even more pissed. I drove a Chevy HHR for my rental:)
I would have muuuuuch rather had the HHR!
When am I gonna see you again, Ms. Josie??? I practically forgot what your gorgeous face looks like!
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