I have been MIA... I know. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing good to talk about, so I just zip-a my lip-a... Then I think I should close down the old bloggity blog, but I can't bring myself to do it. I just love it! I am quite certain that my mom and aunt are the only readers (Shout out! Woot Woot!) and since it is only them, and I talk to them on the phone to fill in the blanks with all that I am not blogging about, occasional and intermittent blogging is permitted. I just shouldn't make a habit of it though...
Let me bring you up to speed... Last time we spoke I had wobbly ankles. I still do. So there is that. I do have a plan though... If I ever trip and fall in public, I am going to instantly go limp and pretend I fainted. No kidding. I was actually thinking about it the other day... Boyfriend and I were in line at the store and my arms were full with groceries and specifically a few wine bottles. I almost lost my grip on one and I decided that if it fell, I was going to drop everything and pretend to become very dizzy, as if the wine was dropped because of a medical issue, not because I am clumsy. This idea is genius if you ask me... I don't look dumb and people feel really bad for my poor dizziness condition.
Anywobblyankles, I got off subject.
Next, Boyfriend, the babycakes and I headed to the big city of Peoria. (If you are a Bachelorette fan, this was totally my "hometown date".) It was a great trip home and I got to see all of my very most favorite people.... you know you who you are Tony Haddad. While we were taking the babycakes site seeing, we came upon a pack of wild turkeys, apparently that is common in cities of more than 370,000 people nowadays. That officially sealed the deal in babyboycakes' mind that he wanted to live there someday... Oh the dreams of children.
Then... well... then I worked. And I didn't do much this past weekend, but watch tons of TV and took a nap and watched two movies (without falling asleep once, and it was after dark! Wahhooo!) and cooked a really yummy authentic Italian supper with Boyfriend.
Actually, speaking of that... once upon a time, when I was a little girl, my dad taught me that the only way to tell if pasta was really done was to throw it against the wall. If it stuck, it was. I am pretty sure that he was lying to me and just being the crazy, fun dad that he was... but still to this day, I am not able to finalize my pasta without throwing it against the wall.
So, that about brings you up to speed. I know... Slow down is what you are probably thinking. All this excitement and activity! I am out of control!
Same here with the pasta throwing!!
Yeah! I was hoping I wasn't crazy!
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