Monday, June 2, 2008

Great Odds

So, the local radio station here is having a contest. Here is what you have to do… First, be the 107 caller, and then the last four digits of your cell phone have to match the number that they say. If that is the case, you win $25,000.

Ok, have you ever called in to a radio station…. To be the lucky numbered caller is an amazing feat itself. But, to not only be the 107th caller, to then have the last four digits of your cell phone number match the random number they happen to say!?!?!? Am I the only one there that sees this as nearly impossible.

Actually, this has inspired me to have a contest. I am going to write down a word on a piece of paper. It can be any word in the Webster’s Dictionary. If you guess the word and what number I happen to be thinking of right now… You win $50,000. Good luck!

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