Monday, November 14, 2011

You Hungry...Me Domestic Goddess

I did something that I totally never do this weekend... I cooked. A lot!

Have you guys heard of I have heard a couple of people talk about it and then I saw a reference from another blog I read, so I had to check it out... and it sucked me right in. It is uh-ddictive. Everything you never knew you wanted or needed to see. Including some super yummy looking recipes.

So Saturday night I baked a taco bake from and some green bean casserole (that wasn't a pinterest recipe, that was a last minute request from babygirlcakes). I don't necessarily know if the two went together... in fact, they did not... but, I am happy to report that they were both so delicious!

I made a deal with boyfriend and the babycakes that if the dinner was totally disgusting (which, there was a definite chance) that I would order a pizza... and BAM that didn't happen!

I felt like I was on a roll, so Sunday, babygirlcakes and I baked sugar cookies and snickerdoodle cookies.

And, I don't know if you can handle this... but not a single one was burnt on the bottom or tasted like I accidentally mixed up the salt and sugar amounts. Which may or may not have happened once.

So, if I am visiting you during the holidays, you may just get a treat. That I didn't buy premaid from Hy-Vee! Woot woot!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a fun weekend! And those sugar cookies sound delicious! And I think you are an amazing woman! I would love to meet you.... but I think I already have- ***hint hint***.

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